Phryné before the Aeropagus
Artist: Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824–1904)
Title: Phryne before the Areopagus
Date: 1861
The story tells about Alcippe , the daughter of Ares (God of War) and Aglauros. She was raped by a son of Poseidon. Ares immediately killed the rapist, and was brought on trial by the other gods. It was the first murder trial. After the facts were laid out, and they heard what happened to Alcippe, Ares was quickly aquitted. Alcippe was also called Phryne.
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Clothed male, nude female | Phryne | Hamburger Kunsthalle |
Female nude in paintings | Ancient Greek history paintings |
Jean-Léon Gérôme | 1861 paintings